Harbor project

Our main cruise ships quay, Sundabakki, has officially started the extension project this month (Feb, 2021). This construction of extension of 300 meters in the port of Isafjordur will bring the sundabakki quay to a length to 500 meters with deepest draft reach to 11M.

This project will fully complete at year 2023, but we expect to service and welcome more ships at summer 2022. This project is aiming to service and respond the growing demand from the market of cruise ships.
Með framkvæmdinni batnar þjónusta hafnarinnar til muna og hægt verður að taka á móti stærri skemmtiferðaskipum, allt að 140.000 tonn að stærð, og er þannig mætt áhuga skemmtiferðaskipaútgerða á Ísafirði sem áfangastað.

Please see attached PDF project for detailed information.